April 25, 2013

Curated Stacks

For the past few months, the Temple Art Librarian, Jill Ludke and I have been working on a project called "Curated Stacks." The project aims to make research more accessible by showing a visual bibliography. Here  is a link to Jill's description of the project: Curated Stacks

At the presentation I gave in February, I was able to ut together a library that showcased the books I had used throughout my project. This was a way for the books to live in a different context, and be exposed to a different audience.

While I have not posted in a few months, WMAAPS has continued to live through the connections I've made. This semester, I have been doing a lot of research on food production/ feminism/ globalization/ localism. It feels great to have a direction that I am taking my work. This summer, my sister and I will be collaborating on a project in Philadelphia that has to do with local food initiatives.