August 17, 2012

Interesting things

Last week I was up in Massachusetts with some family members on vacation. My grandmother, who is a bit of a technophobe and does not know how to use a computer asked to see my blog. I pulled up the page for her and taught some basic commands, such as scrolling, and clicking- how to go from one post to the next. As she was reading through she kept pointing out grammatical errors... so I figured I should apologize for my poor editing skills and ask that you view this as a rough draft of sorts.

On another note, a few cool things going on... 
(Thanks to Mary for telling me about this!!) It's going on next week so check it out!
(So very excited for this one!)

I believe Pussy Riot was mentioned in a comment before, so if you're interested in finding out more, here is a fascinating article... which leads to this

Also, I am still looking for a peer group to participate in my dinner party series. If you know of anyone who would be interested, please forward them this information:

This summer I have been researching women making activist art in public spaces, and now I am trying to put some of that research into practice. I will be a hosting a series of dinner parties in Philadelphia (potentially Baltimore and NY as well) in which I am hoping to find peers of mine who are interested in making work about daily interaction, and/or social change/justice. Part of the process will be to connect these young women to previous generations of activist women artists, many of whom I have been in contact with this summer. Hopefully, it will give us all a greater understanding of where this type of art has come from and allow us the opportunity to create personal connections that can foster incredible collaborative projects.

They can contact me at
Please get the word out there!!


  1. On Pussy Riot

    "The True Blasphemy by Slavoj Zizek":

  2. Pussy Riot Was Carefully Calibrated for Protest

  3. German protesters and Pussy Riot:
