October 30, 2012

Sandy Troubles

As all of us know, Sandy has brought devestation to many areas throughout the north east. In preparation for the hurricane, many of my fellow dinner party go-ers had to cancel. I am now in the midst of rescheduling and figuring out logistics.

As of now the dinner parties are scheduled for:
4th of November (potentially-- see how many people can come to this one)
12th of November
30th of November

If you're interested email me at activistart@phoebebachman.com
Or just leave a comment below!

Hope you all were safe in the storm and don't have too much damage.

Here are some great quotes to leave you with:

"This is something essential to art: reception is never its goal. What counts for me is that my work provides material to reflect upon. Reflection is an activity." Thomas Hirschorn

“I have consistently been interested in addressing the art world. If  wasn’t I would have obviously gone into politics or something else. I mean after all, lets talk real change." Suzanne Lacy (Bad at Sports Podcast)

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